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  • Barbie French Look | Nailster Denmark
  • Barbie French Look | Nailster Denmark
  • Barbie French Look | Nailster Denmark
  • Barbie French Look | Nailster Denmark

Gel Polish Look

Barbie French Look

Regular price 328,00 kr
Sale price 328,00 kr Regular price 415,00 kr
Save 20% Sold out
  • Cherry Tree 15ml · 41

    Cherry Tree 15ml · 41

  • Barbie 15ml · 108

    Barbie 15ml · 108

Included in this look:

1 of 2

Price of products separately:

416,00 kr

Save 88,00 kr
Dette fortryllende Barbie neglelook kombinerer to skønne nuancer: Cherry Tree 41 og Barbie 108. Den blide overgang fra den bløde rosa til den livlige hot pink skaber en unik og iøjnefaldende kontrast på dine negle. Resultatet er et elegant og legefuldt look, der udstråler Barbie-lignende charme.

Farverne, Cherry Tree og Barbie, skaber en smuk kombination, der passer perfekt til enhver særlig lejlighed eller når du blot ønsker at føle dig som en ægte prinsesse!
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3 to 4 day delivery

All packages are sent with a tracking number.

When the item has been dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive an email from us with a package number with which you can track your package.

Storage and sunlight

No gel polish benefits from sunlight
If gel polish is exposed to sunlight, it can lead to changes in the color of the polish. In addition, you may run the risk of your gel polish hardening in a few seconds if it is exposed to sunlight or is near your UV lamp.

If your products are exposed to changing temperatures, you will find that your products can begin a hardening process. We therefore recommend that you store your products at room temperature out of sunlight. To ensure full protection of your products, we recommend our Nailsters Nail Bag , which protects against changing temperatures and sunlight.

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Dette fortryllende Barbie neglelook kombinerer to skønne nuancer: Cherry Tree 41 og Barbie 108. Den blide overgang fra den bløde rosa til den livlige hot pink skaber en unik og iøjnefaldende kontrast på dine negle. Resultatet er et elegant og legefuldt look, der udstråler Barbie-lignende charme.

Farverne, Cherry Tree og Barbie, skaber en smuk kombination, der passer perfekt til enhver særlig lejlighed eller når du blot ønsker at føle dig som en ægte prinsesse!

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